Tuesday 20 January 2009

Conceptual Artwork For Dubfighter

Dubfighter is the up-coming collaboration between Arkham Design Studios and Wee Rock Productions. The concept is two years old and began as a low-budget martial arts movie full of afros, bad lip synching and kung fu/muay thai/savate. Steven Wetherell the writer/director, found recruiting actors able to do their own stunts and martial arts a real pain in the ass, and so the project never got past the storyboard stage.

Last year during an afternoon drinking larger in the sun with friends, me and Steve began discussing the possibility of driving Dubfighter in a different direction. I'd recently began watching re-runs of Samurai Jack and he got into a YouTube series called Sock Bunny. After a brief discussion about Dubfighter making a fun kung fu comic like Iron Fist, we came up with the idea of making it as a series of animated YouTube movies. The screenplay, shooting script and storyboard was already done, so I went straight into character conceptual design.

All the main characters are inked up and colored, but there are also several characters still in pencil which were ideas I had for further villains. After all, the thing that everyone remembers about Batman are the millions of crazy villains - why couldn't Dubfighter be any different?

Dubfighter is still in pre-production, but for further updates check out Arkham Design Studios or Wee Rock Productions.

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